Yoga classes in Strasbourg

Details of my different practices available below.

Weekly planning

  • Wednesday Vinyasa 6:45/7:45 pm
  • Sunday Hatha yoga 9:00/10:15 am Yogamoves
  • Sunday Yin yoga 10:45/12:00 am Yogamoves

Vinyasa yoga

Everyone is free to experiment, to play safely with the limits of their body, then to eventually flirt with transcendance.

  • Dynamic and creative practice
  • In-deph specific theme : hip openers, shoulder work, forward bends and backbends…
  • Sequence of postures in a continuous flow
  • Integration/relaxation phase.

Course reserved for experienced practionners (knowledge of main postures and alignements).

Ashtanga yoga

The rhythm of the breath produces internal heat in order to reveal the full power of our whole being… The practice balances and optimizes the circulation of energy in the body.

  • Powerful and dynamic practice that solicits the whole body
  • Practiced in a meditative state
  • The breath work marks the rhythm of the whole sequence
  • Complete series of predefined postures
  • Integration/relaxation phase

Course reserved for experienced practioners (knowledge of postures of the first series and main alignments).

Hatha yoga

The term yoga means union, the practice aims to reconnect the body and the mind. Hatha yoga represents the union between the sun (Ha) and the moon (Tha), which also symbolizes male (Yang) and feminine (Yin) polarities.

  • Postural yoga where the alignments necessary for a respectful practice of the body and its limitations are detailed
  • Holding postures to develop body awarness
  • Learning the synchronization of breath and movement

The work of breathing initiates an internal alignment movement, from which emerges an external form to naturally enter the postures.

Ideal starting yoga or improving one’s practice.

Yin yoga

I propose a therapeutic approach of yin yoga, inspired by chinese medecine, based on a work around 5 elements :

  • Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.
  • These elements are related to meridians and connected to part of the body, emotional state or behaviors to balance in our life
  • Yin yoga relies on relaxation and muscle stretching
  • Work on deep tissues to free up space in the body
  • Meditative, and passive practice, resolutly turned inwards.

The approach is to work together on the body and the formulation of intentions for oneself.

Course open to all, preferably with a first experience in meditation.

Tantra yoga

Yoga develops the presence in the body, transforms and profoundly modifies our energy, while changing our relationship to the body. However, the connection to the other, in all its otherness, its wealth and its share of unexpected remains unintelligible… I offer a new practice that includes everything I love :

  • Dance, meditation, yin yoga
  • Organic yoga, partner yoga, contact improvisation
  • Benefits : develops self-confidence, trust in others, compassion…

Each experience teaches us something about ourselves, makes us grouw, sometimes even revealing our own areas of vulnerability.

Course reserved for people who already have a yoga practice.

Meditation et Pranayama

The practice of meditation brings an inner peace and significantly decreases the level of stress.

  • Meditation and deep relaxation
  • Breathing exercices to stabilize, purify or rebalance energy
  • Postural alignment with use of props
  • Chant of mantras and devotional practices
  • Relaxation/integration

Whatever our belief systems, the idea is to open up to our superior Presence, to the one that speaks to us and resonates in us. If yoga fits naturally in the Hindu tradition, I like to offer other approaches too. The sacred dimension is a divine energy that raises, crosses and guides us on our path.

Because each pollen is unique

A practice for everybody’s sensitivity and desires…

Powerful and dynamic practices such as ashtanga promote concentration, clarify and soothe our minds. Vinyasa stimulates creativity, the feeling of flow, and brings us joy by reconnecting to our inner child. Passive practices, more feminine, create a space of sweetness with oneself, regenerate our energy and release what limits our evolution. The practice of yoga reconnect us to an infinite source and offers us the opportunity to work what is right for each of us.